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Key Information

Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium funding is given to schools by central government. It is in addition to the school’s main budget. The Pupil Premium is specifically targeted funding designed to narrow the attainment gap between children from disadvantaged backgrounds, and those who are less disadvantaged. Click on this link to find out more information about Pupil Premium. 


How much Pupil Premium money does the school receive?

The amount the school receives currently ranges between £1345 - £2345 (according to whether the child is eligible for Free School Meal funding or is a Looked After Child.)


The funding a school receives is based upon the number of pupils in school on the October census day.  As a result, the number of pupils entitled to Pupil Premium funding does not necessarily match the amount of income received.  Also, due to financial years differing to academic years, there is a period of each year whereby not all pupils might be on roll at a particular school for whom the funding was received, and equally new pupils may have joined for whom the school has not received the funding.


The actual amounts received by the school for the most recent years of Pupil Premium funding are as follows:


Year             Pupil Premium

2020/21        £22,830

2021/22        £28,194.15

2022/23        £29,085

2023/24        £36,645

2024/25        £32,560




Eligibility - Please Check

​As an infant school it is quite a struggle to get the Pupil Premium amount that we should be able to access, for several reasons. This is because of the confusion caused by the fact that all infants receive a free school meal (Universal Infant Free School Meals). However, this is not the same as having a ‘Free School Meals’ entitlement due to having a low income.


All parents are asked to complete a form which is included in their Induction Packs, to help us assess eligibility for Pupil Premium, but sadly some families choose not to respond because their children will be having lunch provided in any case. This means we lose out on some Pupil Premium funding.


Alternatively, parents can check their eligibility via the website:


Your child's school may be entitled to pupil premium funding if you receive one of the following benefits:

  • Income Support

  • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance

  • Child Tax Credit Only (with income up to £16,190) with no element of Working Tax Credit

  • National Asylum Seekers Support

  • Guarantee Element of the State Pension Credit

  • Employment and Support Allowance (income related)

  • Universal Credit (income dependant)


If you have any questions or would like to know more about Pupil Premium funding and how it is being used to benefit your child, please speak to the Head teacher or Admin Assistants.


Pupil Premium Strategy 

Pupil Premium Report 2024-25



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